Family law is the branch of the law that deals with all domestic unit-related matters and other domestic relations such as substitution and adoption, national partnerships, civil unions, marriage, marriage, Divorce, Child Abduction, Child Abuse, Childhood Negligence, Child Maintenance, Child Adoption, Cases of Paternity, Child Establishment, Child Care, Support, Division of Family property, etc.
All courts around the world reported an increase in family law as divorce of the parties, adopt children, paternity costumes of the competition, etc.
According to family law lawyers, this branch of the law is different from other branches because it affects sensitive private issues. Sometimes family lawyers act as advisers, mediators, conciliators, negotiators, etc. The courts that ruling on family law issues sometimes also act from mediators, as they try to reconcile members of the same family to solve their problems are amicably to preserve their relationship.
The substance of this type of law varies from one jurisdiction to another because the underlying principles are largely borrowed from society. For example, in societies where the same sexual relations are not accepted, this type of law requires that this trade union can be recognized as a marriage before the courts of law.
Like all other branches of law, family law has undergone many transformations to try to deal with mediation problems in families. For example, most societies attempted to legalize relations “have just stayed” if the parties involved live together for a certain period.
One if the most popular modern trends in family law are the collaborative law that refers to a structured process that provides parties looking for divorces or parties involved in other disputes an alternative name of resolution of their Dispute rather than going through the expensive and prolonged process of the courts. Collaborative legislation allows parties to become familiar with or proposing a civil union to take control of their destiny by recruiting family lawyers engaged in the family dispute resolution and family relations dispute resolution process. amicably through discussions and negotiations without the courts involved.
The reason why modern family law discourages parties from going to court is that the court’s decision has lost prospects. The judicial dispute is also complex and, as the case of all the issues of law is expensive and can take a lot of time to solve problems.
In the law of the collaborative family, disputes between family members can be settled amicably to ensure that their relationship as a family is preserved. Collaborative family lawyers agree that they will not represent their respective parts to judicial litigation if one of the parties decides to go to court. In the jurisdictions where the law of the collaborative family is applied has achieved good results in the amicable solution of family disputes. In some cases, he has successfully reconciled the parties who otherwise divorced if the courts have been decided.