There are 3 main classifications in which the education sector can be shared. They:
• School education
• Further education
• Higher education
Sometimes, education is done in a non-class background. It might happen in prison or in the hospital. Educational work does not only consist of teaching work. Others are working behind running the education sector. For example, there are people to maintain the administration of educational institutions; There are people in the Ministry of Finance, people are present to provide technical support to the Institute, there are teaching assistants and education psychologists related to this sector.
About various countries:
The education sector in countries such as Britain, Wales and in Northern Ireland is very similar to administration. However, Scotland has a different way to run this sector. Rules and laws on the education sector are different in this country.
Demand for people in educational work:
Graduates are in high demand so far concerning education work. Sometimes, there is a scarcity of teachers in subjects such as mathematics and science. The survey said that elementary school was filled with teachers while high school still had vacancies.
10 Top education jobs are:
• Primary school teachers: Main schools starting from class 1 to class 5. The teachers are required to teach subjects such as English, mathematics, basic science, history, geography and other languages. Other things like art and crafts and physical education are also taught. So not only the subject teacher is needed, there is a place for educational work too.
Higher education work:
• Middle school teachers: Middle school starts from class 6 and extends to class 12. There are several subjects taught to students at the secondary level. Students also accept physical education training.
• Teachers in further education or at the college level: After passing school students enter college. The teacher trains these students in their particular area of choice.
• University lecturers: they train students who are looking for acceptance at the university.
• Liberia School: Liberia is responsible for the entire library. He keeps records of books and lends them to students.
• Adult education teachers: this type of work concerns adults. A teacher must teach some skills to students.
• Teachers in prison or hospital: These teachers are required to provide education to prisoners and patients at the hospital.
• Education psychologist: Different education institutes have psychologists involved in counseling students. They discussed the problems of students and motivated them and helped them handle problems better.
• Teaching English teachers in foreign schools or in college: English is very popular throughout the world. Countries that are inexperienced with language rental teachers to educate them.
• Pilruis who keeps certain school financial affairs.